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Dan Ferguson ~ President

Profession: Owner of Dan Ferguson Roofing, licensed, bonded, insured, in Canyon, Dumas, Amarillo

What drew you to YCCO: I just wanted to serve in a way that honored the Kingdom of God, My Savior said "Whatever you did for the least of these brothers and sisters of Mine, you did for Me", I just try to live that daily.

Kit Rudd ~ Vice President

Profession: Rumor has it that Kit is a Professional Outlaw

What drew you to YCCO? In life you have to choose your battles, I felt like the homeless was an army of lost souls that needed help to live like the rest of us. I know there is a community full of people that feel the same way, but don't know how to help. I feel like I need to give people an option to lend a helping hand. I believe that our neighbors deserve the things that so many of us take for granted, such as clean clothes, warm bed, but most of all, hope.

 ~ Treasurer

Tamara is the manager/program coordinator at the Amarillo Historical Museum



What drew you to YCCO?

Jenn Siegmann ~ Secretary

Jenn Siegmann ~ Secretary

Profession: Jennifer is a Mechanical Engineer 

What brought you to YCCO: I've realized that homelessness is closer than most people want to believe. Regardless of who you are it could take just one financial emergency for you or a family member to be there on the streets. Once you are there it isn't easy to get out. YCCO in particular attracted me because it isn't about making people jump through governmental or religious hoops to get help. We simply see a need and fill it as people helping people with no judgement. We realize that each of our neighbors' situations are different and for some, the current resources are horribly inadequate (i.e. low barrier shelters). 

Steven Liles ~ VP of Marketing

Profession: Owner of The Liles Group Real Estate and CEO of Elevate Media

What drew you to YCCO? I've always taken the statement "Whatever you have done unto the least of these you have done unto me" literally. YCCO gives everyone the ability to make a tangible difference in the lives of those who would be considered the "least of these". From the first time my family went on a food run to feed I knew we were called to serve right here. So we jumped in feet first and here we are today! 

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